Quanta 2022 Sustainability Report
Quanta Sustainability
A Message
From Our CEO

Earl C. “Duke” Austin, Jr., shares about Quanta’s commitments to people, planet, and principles. Read More


This year’s highlights underscore our continuing commitment to addressing societal challenges and serve to highlight our leadership position in building the energy transition in North America. Read More

Many Voices,
One Team

We mean it when we say our most valuable asset—what truly sets us apart—is our employees. Read More

As the leading specialty infrastructure solutions provider in North America, we are uniquely positioned to capitalize on the megatrends and opportunities to lead the energy transition and provide critical infrastructure services that enable the technologies of tomorrow. Our focus on people is at the heart of our growth strategy and success. By investing in safety, training, and recruitment programs to meet our customer’s needs, as we grow, so does our positive impact on society.

We are proud to share our progress as we play a leading role in driving the energy transition.

Many Voices, One Team

What Brings Us Together

We spend more time with our work colleagues than with our own family…there are people within Quanta that have become family to me.

Joanna Fennell
Assistant QC Manager, QA/QC Canada

Everyone I work with is very collaborative. We make work fun.

Vu Tran
Senior PV Engineer United States

We’re All our Brother’s keeper out there.

Juan Carlos Del Toro
Apprentice United States

What Makes us PRoud

Our lineworkers revel in the idea that every day they are doing something that the average person cannot do.

Luther Boone
Regional Safety Manager Canada

You’re changing the landscape. When you retire, your kids and grandkids will see it and be proud of what you’re doing.

Brandon Cox
Superintendent United States

My dad, a lineworker, is so thrilled and excited. Everyday he tells me he’s proud of me.

Valeria NaRaVÁeZ
Lineworker & LUMA
College Graduate
Puerto Rico

What Drives Us

Quanta has a great culture around safety and support from all levels of management right through to apprentices…I can strive for my best, push for more, and achieve great results driven by outcome.

Brenton BarnEs
Site Manager Australia

I just couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

Chris Swindoll
Superintendent United States

I appreciate the support because of the

Continuous growth opportunities that quanta provides to their employees.

Cheyenne Watkins
Assist & Assure Coach Australia

At A Glance


$3.8 B
in renewable energy infrastructure solutions revenues
4.5 GW
utility-scale wind and solar constructed


2.6% reduction
in fleet CO2 intensity (g CO2 / $ revenue) YOY
9.5% reduction
in fleet CO2 intensity (g CO2 / $ revenue) since 2019
Increased Disclosure
by publishing new metrics this year for Scope 3 emissions, biodiversity, and waste


17% increase
in the number of students trained (campus and mobile training programs) at NLC YOY
16% decrease
in “Stuff That Kills You” (STKY) actual rate YOY
$1.12 B
total diverse vendor spend